
2021-05-23 Release V0.04.001

  • Rotated video
  • Recreated Dropbox Links
  • Updated post

See Issue #16 for description of bug.

2021-05-22 Release V0.04.000

  • Created branch SprintForRelease0.04.000
  • Updated commit template to 0.04.000.
  • Created post “”.
  • Added plugin jekyll-compose
  • Added plugin jekyll-minifier
  • Added plugin jekyll-archives
  • Added plugin jekyll-relative-links
    • Updated all posts and pages to use relative links
  • Created a subdirectory _pages at the repo root
  • Moved all .md files to the subdirectory _pages
  • Created a new landing page layout for the site using splash layout
    • Overrode MM’s splash layout with a local _layouts/splash.html file
    • Added blocks of Liquid from single.html to ensure that content will stay within the center column
    • Added author_profile and custom sidebar nav elements to the local splash layout
  • Modified _pages/, renamed it to _pages/
    • Changed layout to layout: splash
    • Added permalink: /
    • Added content for the site’s splash landing page
  • Added carousel component and included it on Home page
  • Built a Gem flexible_include that can read the contents of a file on the local filesystem
  • Created three .md files in _pages for the Community Health files
    • All use layout: single
    • Created _pages/, using flexible_includeto read the file by the same name in ../.github repository
    • Created _pages/, using flexible_includeto read the file by the same name in ../.github repository
    • Created _pages/, using flexible_includeto read the file by the same name in ../.github repository
  • Created three pages to be used as landing pages for post archives
    • Created for listing posts by category.
    • Created for listing posts by tags.
    • Created for listing posts by date.
  • Added _data/navigation.yml for masthead navigation, with the following menu items.
    • About
    • Posts by Date
    • Posts by Category
    • Posts by Tags
    • Subscribe
    • ChangeLog
    • Contributing
    • Code of Conduct
  • Added author profile and sidebar navigation as default for all pages in _config.yml
  • Added custom sidebar navigation
    • Added docs sidebar navigation information to _data/navigation.yml .
    • Used titles that reflect the documentation that will be available in my other repositories
  • Made the Release Version number in the footer a link to ChangeLog permalink
    • Changed _includes/footer.html
      • Changed references to Contributing and Code-of-Conduct from the .github repo to local .md pages.
      • Added the link
  • Moved all Published posts to one of the subdirectories of _posts : technical, personal or political
  • Changed default Front Matter in _config.yml for posts so that Permalinks are /:slugified_categories/:year/:name
  • Updated all cross-document and internal links to posts and pages to use relative_url
  • Cleaned up layouts and permalinks for all published and draft posts
  • Slugified all page and post names
  • Modified gallery component to open images in a new tab
  • Added post technical/
  • Added post technical/
  • Added page
  • Added post personal/
  • Added post personal/
  • Added post personal/
  • Added the file ataplogo.bmp to the repo root
  • Added Authorized Digital Sellers file from Disqus, ads.txt
  • Added _config.Development.yml to allow for development-specific settings
    • set site.URL to “localhost” for development builds
  • Added rule to use custom merge driver for _site subdirectory and its children
  • Added custom merge driver to the global ~/.gitconfig file
  • Disabled jekyll-minifier

2021-05-02 Release V0.03.001

  • Created draft post 2021-05-01-Word-Template-for-letter-to-CPA-HOA-regarding-sale-of-golf-course .
  • Created two Word documents as referenced in the post body.
  • Put the Word documents into Dropbox, created shared links to the documents, referenced them in the post body.
  • Moved post from _drafts to political, added date prefix to post’s filename.

See Issue #14

2021-04-25 Release V0.03.000

  • Published the post personal/2021-04-25-Eulogy for molly
  • Published the post technical/
  • Installed the following Gems locally:

    minimal-mistake-jekyll theme GEM
  • Replaced _config.yml with _config.yml from the minimal-mistakes (MM) theme.

    - Uncommented minimal-mistakes as a local theme
    - Added Author Bio and location..
    - Turned on GitHub social link to profile.
    - Turned on twitter social link to profile.
    - Turned on GraphQL SEO attributes.
    - Enabled comments on posts.
      - Use Disqus as the comment provider.
    - Enabled default front matter for all posts.
      - Enabled Table of Contents and made it sticky to top of post.
      - Enabled comments.
    - Enabled `timezone: America\Denver` .
  • Created local _includes/footer.html from MM theme’s version to override the default footer.

    - Modified copyright.
    - Added link to default Community Health File `License` .
    - Added link to default Community Health File `Contributing` .
    - Added link to default Community Health File `Code of Conduct` .
    - Added the site's Release Version.
  • Created local _includes/gallery from MM theme’s version to override the gallery component.

    - Added `<span>{{ img.title }}</span>` below the `</img>` tag to provide a caption. *Note: will be upgraded to be responsive in a later revision*
  • Implemented Favicon

    - Generated a set of favicon files suitable for multiple types of browsers, placed them into root of the repo.
    - Created local `_includes/head/custom.html` from MM theme's version to include custom favicon HTML information.
      - Added the HTML necessary to deliver the correct favicon file to multiple types of browsers.
  • Modified the pages and posts to change from minima layouts to MM layouts.

    - Removed `layout: post` from Front Matter on all published posts.
    - Removed `layout: page` from Front Matter on all pages.
    - Added `layout: home` to Front Matter of `` in root of repo (this is the site's landing page)
  • Added words to spellcheck dictionary
  • Fixed typos and edited for clarity the previous posts and pages
  • Incorporated bugfixes for Issues #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12

  • Updated the git.commit.template from 0.02.000 to 0.03.00
  • Added a new branch SprintForRelease0.03.000 branched from the releases/0.02.000 tag

2021-04-15 Release V0.02.000

  • add subdirectories for _drafts, political/_posts, personal/_posts
  • Add a , create content for V0.1.0, V0.2.0
  • Add Commit Template
  • Add
  • Add Code of Conduct to Community Health Files repository
  • Add Community Guidelines to Community Health Files repository
  • Add Issue Template (for Bug and for Feature Request) to Community Health Files repository
  • add jekyll-timeago plugin
  • add jekyll-include-cache plugin
  • update footer with last Release tag version number and release (commit) date
  • add published post “How I setup this GitHub Pages Blog site, Part 02” under technical subdirectory
  • add published post “Case for a non-anonymous Internet, Part 01” under political subdirectory
  • add published post “Welcome to the Personal section of my site” under personal subdirectory

2021-04-07 Release V0.01.000

Initial creation of site

  • Jekyll tooling including Ruby and MSYS2 on Windows 10
  • Created Milestones for Releases V0.01.0 - V0.04.0
  • Created the following files:
    • .gitignore
    • LICENSE.html
    • _config.yml
      • theme:minima
    • .github/workflows/deploy-site-to-github.yml
    • _includes/footer.html
    • _posts/
    • technical/_posts/2021-04-06-how-i-setup-this-github-pages-blog-site-part-01

2021-04-06 Birthday

Initial creation of repository