Welcome to Bill’s Blog!

less than 1 minute read

This is my new Blog site, hosted by GitHub Pages. I’ve never been satisfied with all the effort needed to setup a Blog on other hosting sites; GitHub Pages combined with the Jekyll static site generator seems like it will meet my needs with very simple administration overhead. We will see!

My first post, appropriately, is on How I setup this GitHubPages Blog site Part 01.

This blog site will be organized into three sections:

  1. Technical posts of interests to programmers and IT folks
  2. Blogs about political issues that I care about (Hey, a person’s gotta vent occasionally!)
  3. The goings-on of me, my family, and friends.

Be aware that, as planned for Version 0.02.0 of this site, the comments on these posts will be handled by Disqus and comments are stored in their servers.

Please bear with me as I learn the intricacies of Jekyll, static sites, and GitHub Pages!

