Welcome To The Personal Section Of My Site

1 minute read

I’ve long hoped to have a website that I can use to share information with my friends and family, without having to create content for each individual social media site. This is it!

If you would like to have access to my posts and pictures about family and friends, direct message me via text message, e-mail or a phone call. I’ll add you to the list of people who have access. In the future, I hope to have a simple login form that will make it very easy to authenticate using any of your social media apps, or using a userid / password.

Pictures and Videos

I have our cameras and GoPro setup to automatically upload new media to my Dropbox storage. Since I’m already paying Dropbox for 2 TB of storage, I thought I’d simply utilize that space as the place to host media aas seen in my posts. Dropbox lets me create a sharing link and it is easy to put that link into my posts. This way, the media is delivered to your browser from Dropbox (and eventually Cloudflare).

Example picture

Here is an example of a picture.


Figure (above): Fireworks!

Example video

Here is an example of a video.

Figure (above): JoAnn in costume on closing day 2021 at Park City, UT

This is just the first edition of this post. I expect to enhance and improve this post in the coming weeks. Thanks for stopping by!

