Computer enthusiast and professional since ‘74. Lots of languages and OSs over the years. TCP/IP, HTTP, traffic analysis, Provable minimal algorithms, C#, and .Net are my current interests
Pictures and links for a day hike along the Scout Cave Trail in St. George, UT
Each hike can teach us something. Today’s hike reinforced a lesson learned many times: Strangers met on the mountains can be a wonderful gift if you will interact with them. Today’s strangers included Judy and Jill, with whom we had some great photo shoot moments. I hope you enjoy the pictures in today’s post!
Another interesting fortuitous occurrence happened when I asked them a question about this blog site.”Hey,” I said, “I’m putting together a site where I post pictures and maps from the hike today. If I had a QR code on my phone which you could scan, and then see the post in a couple of days, would that be cool?” I was surprised at how easily they agreed to the idea and how interested they said they would be to have a quick way to get linked to it. I thought folks would be leery of being posted. I guess if your picture ends up on a stranger’s blog site, but with no way to tie it back to any PII that identifies you, then people are even a bit excited to appear in cameo.
Today’s hike was almost five hours long, and almost six miles. Not too hot yet, it was in the high seventies. We did get a bit of a blow. The videos we took on the way back from the cave have quite a bit of thunder to them.
Welcome to the fourth part of this series detailing how I setup this blog site hosted on GitHub Pages. If you have not yet seen the first posts in the series...